This page incorporates links to many resources outside of TuxPPC that you will find handy in your Linux explorations. Resources are organized by type, an index is below. If you have suggestions and additions or found any broken links, send them to [email protected].
PowerPC Linux
These sites are devoted to PowerPC Linux and contain updates and info on maintaining your PowerMac.
- PenguinPPC
- Penguin64
- TuxPPC
Linux for Nubus PowerMacs
These sites provide resources for those with older Nubus-based PowerMacs.
- MachLinux
- Monolithic Linux for Nubus Macs
Other PowerMac Free OSes
These sites provide info and updates for non-Linux Free PowerMac Operating Systems.
- OpenBSD
- NetBSD
- Apple Darwin OS
Linux Distros
These are links to the various Linux distro sites. More on these distros can be found here
- Debian
- Gentoo PPC
- LinuxPPC
- SuSE
- Mandrake
- RockLinux
- YellowDog Linux
General Linux
These sites, provide news and articles about Linux in general, not specfically about PowerPC Linux.
- About Linux
- LinuxNow
- Linux Power
- LinuxToday
- Slashdot
Guides and Howtos
These sites provides step to step Howtos, similar to those on our site.
- Linux/PPC FAQ-O-matic
- LinuxNewbie
- ResExcellence Linux IceBox
- MacToolbox
- X for PPC Howtos
- The Blue G3 Site
- Linux Documentation Project
- Linux Administator Guide
- Intro to Shell Cmds
Mailing Lists Resources
Mailing Lists provide an excellent resource for asking questions, and searching for anwsers for questions. Below are links to mailing lists for popular PowerPC Linux distros.
- LinuxPPC
- Yellow Dog
- Debian
- Mac-on-Linux
Distro Manuals
Every Linux distro comes with a manual that explains the basics of getting that Linux distro installed. Many common questions can be anwsered by reading these.
- LinuxPPC 2000 UserGuide
- Debian Tutorial
- Debian Guide
- Debian FAQ-0-matic
- Debian PPC Install
- SuSE PowerPC Manual
RedHat Manuals
Both LinuxPPC and Yellow Dog Linux are based on Red Hat Linux. Most of the information in the RedHat manual, applies to these distros. In addition, PowerPC Linux developers have created an addum to that manual, that explains PowerPC specfic details and changes.
- PPC Developers Release Manual
- RedHat Linux 6.0 Manual
Desktop Documentation
After the first time you login into Linux, your likely to see one of the following Desktop Enviroment. The below links give you tips and tricks, and documentation on them.
- GNOME Desktop Enviroment
- KDE Desktop Enviroment
- WindowMaker Window Manager
- Enlightenment Window Manager
Booting Documentation
Configuring to get the most out of yaboot and quik can be challenging. Below are some links that can help you out.
- Ybin/Yaboot FAQ
- YDL Yaboot FAQ
- Old Quik Documentation
Linux/Unix History
Have you ever wanted to know where PowerPC Linux came from? These links give you background into the history of PowerPC Linux.
- The History of Un*x
- PenguinPPC: PowerPC Linux History
- PowerPC Developers Release Manual: Chapter on History
Software Indexes
These sites are large databases of software available for Linux in general. Many of the titles on this site can be compiled for PowerPC Linux, but not all.
Locate Packages
These sites are search engines that allow you to search for additional packages for Linux.
- RPMFind
- WhichRPM
- Debian Package Search
Distro Contrib Sites
These sites are places where users can upload software and/or packages they have created themselves. They may or may not have been tested, so use at own's risk.
- LinuxPPC Contrib
- YDL Contrib
- Debian Contrib
Personal Collections
These pages contain packages personally uploaded by users to their own websites.These sites are maintained by users who are generally trusted in the PowerPC Linux community, but use at own's risk.
- Rich West's RPM Site
- Jon Singer's KDE PPC Site
- SouthPole
These sites are places where you can obtain updated kernels, and related tools for building kernels.
- iKernel PowerPC Linux Kernel Building Tool
- Rsync PowerPC Kernel Mirrors
- Ben H's Test Kernels
- Rob Lineweaver's Precompiled iMac Kernels
- Toby McNulty's Precompiled Kernels
- Paulus' Kernel Page
- Bitkeeper Kernel Tree
- PenguinPPC Rsync Mirrors
These sites have updated versions of PowerPC Linux booters such as BootX, miBoot, Quik,Yaboot and Ybin.
- Ben H's Page - BootX, Yaboot & miBoot
- Offical Ybin Page
- Quik Bootloader Updates