Where can I get Linux for the PowerPC?
There are at least four ways to obtain Linux for the PPC. You can buy a retail copy direct from a vendor (we recommend this as it supports future releases from that vendor and shows them that there is demand), buy a cheap CD-only copy from a third party such as cheapbytes.com, you can install it over the internet via ftp or you can download an ISO (CD image) from the internet. If you download an ISO image, you'll need access to a CD burner and please keep in mind that ISO images are 650MB or so in size, and depending on your connection, you may decide to buy a CD version.
The following vendors have retail packages (except Debian) and they all have a downloadable version (except SuSE which has limited downloads available).
- Debian
- LinuxPPC
- Mandrake
- SuSE
- Yellow Dog Linux
Note: for detailed information on each distribution click here.
Many users like to download and try several different versions, and when they decide on a version they like, they buy the retail version at least once a year to help support and encourage future releases.
Version: 1.02
Last Update: 2001-10-02 00:08:42