Volunteers Needed
Thank you for your interest in helping TuxPPC out. TuxPPC is a free project that is funded thanks to sponsors. TuxPPC needs volunteers to write articles, post regular news items, help respond to user problems and help add features to the site.
Volunteers receive email and other privileges at TuxPPC. Volunteering can help you make contacts and even provide you with valuable work experience if you plan on working in the IT industry. TuxPPC will gladly provide those who assist the project with a reference should they needed it or a letter of recommendation.
You can volunteer immediately by simply posting articles to the site using the submit option. If you have already submitted some articles or are not sure on what you should post then please contact us by sending an email to [email protected].
TuxPPC.org staff
Version: 1.00
Last Update: 2001-09-25 03:52:01