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  iMacLinux Edition Friday, 06 June 2003  

About TuxPPC

TuxPPC is a series of web sites dedicated to running Linux on the PowerPC hardware platform. PowerPC hardware is any type of computer system that utilizes the IBM or Motorola RISC based PowerPC microprocessor. Linux provides a powerful alternative to traditional operating systems on the PowerPC. In many cases Linux can be used as a drop in replacement for both MacOS and AIX.

TuxPPC is made up of seven sites, the main TuxPPC site and six individual editions which feature news and direct access to hardware specific content for: iMacs, iBooks, PowerMacs, PowerBooks, RS/6000 (p-series) and 64-bit PPC systems. Each site is maintained by a group of volunteers that make up the TuxPPC staff. TuxPPC is privately owned and operated. TuxPPC is hosted on dedicated servers with dedicated internet access. TuxPPC is provided free of charge thanks to the owners, staff, sponsors and contributing users.

Users who maybe a little confused by the new site design should consider the hardware specific editions (eg. iMacLinux.net) as their daily newspaper into the Linux/PowerPC world, while TuxPPC should be considered as a weekly magazine and developer resource. New articles posted to TuxPPC are announced on the hardware specific editions.

TuxPPC is an on going project, the new look and feel only provides a foundation for what we hope will grow into the most concise Linux/PowerPC resource available.

TuxPPC History

TuxPPC started out as iMacLinux.net in early 1999. That site grew in popularity for providing easy to follow guides and howtos for Linux on the iMac, as well as regular pre-compiled kernel updates. In late 1999, we added a second site, iBookLinux.net as many non-iMac users thought iMacLinux was a site just for iMac users. In 2000, several additional sites followed to cater for the growing demand for hardware specific information.

Towards the end of 1999, iMacLinux sporting a new look, made a bold move, and added slashdot.org style news to the site. This move was popular amongst users and continues to be an integral part of our sites. At the end of 2000, we knew there was a need to provide a central point that would bring the content of all of our PowerPC related sites together. Several attempts were made to make linuxppc.org that central point, but we gave up on that approach. Several other names were registered and used, however we settled on TuxPPC. The name was chosen in mid-2001, at which point we started to look for ways to tie the content together.

It was determined that the best way to tie the content together, was to stick with the original concept of having the hardware specific sites maintain easy access to hardware specific information, and provide common news. We quickly discovered that there was no need to have news on the central site, instead, the central site should take on a magazine approach, providing articles, developer information and access to more generic PowerPC information.

TuxPPC Frequently Asked Questions

It has come to our attention that some third parties have jumped to conclusions regarding our site. We have compiled a short FAQ to seperate the facts from the rumors.

Is TuxPPC a commerical site?
No. TuxPPC is NOT a commerical site. We registered tuxppc.com, tuxppc.net and tuxppc.org so that we could refer to the site as simply TuxPPC. Some of the people that visit our sites are minors, and registering as many domains as possible in the namespace also prevents undesirable content from showing up on similar domains.

Why does TuxPPC have advertisements?
TuxPPC has space for advertisements for several reasons. Advertising space is used for promoting upcoming Linux projects we are working on, providing incentives for companies to sponsor parts of our site, and to provide advertisements for community projects. Advertisements are used as a way to recover some of the costs involved in hosting the sites locally.

Someone on IRC told me that TuxPPC was biased?
TuxPPC is in no way biased towards any hardware platform, vendor or distribution. Each member of the staff uses a different distribution from a different vendor. The staff screens each others work, if any bias exists in an article or report, it would not get past this screening process. TuxPPC invites all Linux/PPC vendors to post press releases and other information to its site.

Why create TuxPPC instead of using an existing site?
Several people have asked why we created TuxPPC instead of contributing to existing projects such as LinuxPPC.org or PenguinPPC.org. The reason for this is quite simple. Since we started out as iMacLinux, we have tried to maintain a vendor-neutral, unbiased and independent site that has one goal in mind, helping people out. LinuxPPC.org is operated by a particular vendor, while PenguinPPC is run on behalf of some developers. In the past, there has been far too much politics involved in the PowerPC community, than many of us would like. Some of the developer resources are still split between those two sites, and to preserve our neutral status, we have chosen not to side with either party. iMacLinux has always been an independent site, so in the spirit of healthy competition and to insure our goal of helping people out was maintained, we continued with the development of TuxPPC rather than merging efforts with another group.

Who can contribute to TuxPPC?
Everybody. If you want to write an article, simply write it and pass it along to us. If you want to write an article but do not have a topic, feel free to contact us and we'll provide you with a selection to choose from. The more people that contribute, the more time we have to pursue advanced projects.

How do you select people for your staff?
All staff members are volunteers. We invite people onto the staff who have contributed on a regular basis to the site. Staff members receive many perks and can use the position on their resumes. We provide letters of recommendation and references. Many of our staff are IT professionals, so its also a good place to network, and we have helped several staff members find employment.

I want to advertise on your site, how can I do that?
If you want to advertise please contact [email protected].

Author:   John Buswell
Version:   1.02
Last Update:   2001-10-05 16:47:05
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