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  iMacLinux Edition Tuesday, 24 June 2003  

Precompiled TuxPPC Kernels

The Linux kernel is the core of the Linux operating system and it is the first layer between software and hardware. While the kernels provided with your distribution usually are fine, it may still be necessary to install a new kernel in order to benefit of the latest features and bug fixes.

TuxPPC, in cooperation with PPCKernel offers you a set of precompiled kernels optimized for various PPC based computer systems. TuxPPC configures and tests the kernels while PPCKernel build them on a daily basis and host them on their servers for your convenience.

Precompiled iMac Kernels

iMac Kernel - 2.4 stable PPC tree

The official stable 2.4 PPC tree optimized for the CRT iMacs
[Install Instructions] - [More Info] - [Download] - [Config File]

iMac Kernel - 2.4 BenH tree

Ben's 2.4 tree optimized for the CRT iMacs
[Install Instructions] - [More Info] - [Download] - [Config File]

Related links:
[iMac Kernel Building Guide] - [Forums]

Precompiled iBook Kernels

iBook Kernel - 2.4 stable PPC tree

The official stable 2.4 PPC tree optimized for the iBooks
[Install Instructions] - [More Info] - [Download] - [Config File]

iBook Kernel - 2.4 BenH tree

Ben's 2.4 tree optimized for the iBooks
[Install Instructions] - [More Info] - [Download] - [Config File]

Related links:
[iBook Kernel Building Guide] - [Forums]

Precompiled PowerMac Kernels

OldWorld SCSI PowerMac Kernel - 2.4 BenH tree

Ben's 2.4 tree optimized for SCSI based OldWorld PowerMacs
[Install Instructions] - [More Info] - [Download] - [Config File]

Related links:
[PowerMac Kernel Building Guide] - [Forums]

If you have any suggestions, concerns, questions or if you want to contribute a custom kernel .config file don't hesitate to contact us.

Author:   Olivier Reisch
Version:   1.0.1
Last Update:   2002-02-16 08:37:50
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