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Friday, 06 September 2002 |
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Posted by AArthur on Sunday January 14th, 2001 01:29:58 AM
BootX will stop working with Mac OS 9.1, if you upgrade the disk drivers during the update (which normally happens), on a Newworld (Colorful) machine.
After installing Mac 0S 9.1 (and it's disk driver), you will need to use yaboot to boot into Linux. Otherwise, BootX will fail to boot Linux, giving you just a black screen. You can not downgrade the disk driver by installing an older version of Mac OS, as it will fail with the error "This System Can Not Be Used on This Machine".
Oldworld (Beige) Macs don't have to worry, as BootX will work fine with Mac OS 9.1 on Oldworld machines.
Posted by Jonathan Rockway on Thursday January 04th, 2001 10:08:19 PM
The Linux Kernel [the core of the OS] version 2.4.0 was released today (an hour or two ago??)! This is big news for us iMac'ers because now we have sound input, more USB drivers, etc. I can't wait to compile it and get it running! I'll post success/failure storys as comments! HAVE FUN! Good work to all involved!
Posted by AArthur on Monday August 28th, 2000 01:56:08 PM
Looking at a $999 computer, and not sure if you want to go iMac DV or a x86 PC? MacMonkey compares several PC models to the iMac DV. The clear winner is the iMac DV, for it's features (and they forgot to mention the iMac's 100t-base Ethernet) and it's innovative design. With an Optical Mouse, Firewire, highend ATI Rage 128 8MB graphics, and Harmon-Karmond sound, there just is no comparison. ;)
Posted by RComet on Tuesday May 09th, 2000 04:19:53 PM
I recently installed Linux on my iMac, and when I started it up, it appeared to be working until I tried to type some commands. I got an error every time I pressed a key. The problem appears to be a lack of USB drivers, but I haven't been able to find any (and I'm not sure if I could install them if I could, since I need the USB input devices to interface with the computer). I did notice that this is a '99 version (LinuxPPC 1999 Q3, to be exact). I think I need a newwer version, but I don't have money to buy a CD (I am a poor little teenager) and I have insufficient experience to compile one myself. So what I'm looking for is a working URL (in finding linux, I have run into WAY too many URLs that don't lead anywhere) to download a pre-compliled, USB-compatable, recent version of linux. I have never used Linux before, so I don't care what distribution I get, as long as it works on my computer.
Posted by AArthur on Monday May 15th, 2000 09:14:17 PM
Today at the Apple World Wide Developer Conference 2000, Apple demostrated the ability to run XFree86 on Darwin. A Darwin X Server will be avalible from Apple later this week. The biggest benifit of this is that many graphical UN*X and Linux programs can now run on Darwin.
Posted by Sveinbjorn Thordarson on Wednesday May 17th, 2000 04:09:35 AM
I'm trying to run the SuSE Linux PPC Beta release on my Revision A iMac with little success. It seems like I need a special kernel which I don't think is included on the Beta CD. I would like to hear if anyone has managed to run SuSE on the iMac, and if so, how did he do it?
Posted by Paul on Tuesday May 30th, 2000 04:14:38 PM
Apple just released a swag of firmware upgrades Versiontracker has anyone out there done it ? Did it break you iMacLinux/yaboot (or other). Speak now before I and others go into the trenches :-)
Posted by James Hartley on Thursday June 15th, 2000 01:16:00 PM
I'm considering using an iMac for a firewall/proxy server, and in my readings on security, I keep running into references to OpenBSD. Their Website (www.openbsd.org/powerpc.html) states that they have a port for the older 333MHz iMacs. Does anyone have any experience running OpenBSD on these machines or any of the newer models? If so, what about driver support? Thanks for any information.
Posted by Maurice van Steensel on Tuesday June 20th, 2000 06:05:42 AM
PowerLogix have announced their new iMac upgrades! It seems the 500 MHz upgrade lets your old iMac beat the DV SE....One more reason to install LinuxPPC on your iMac. Check it out at the Powerlogix Site.
Posted by AArthur on Tuesday July 04th, 2000 10:51:57 AM
According to this Maccentral article, Apple is selling out as many of the current iMacs as possible, in preparation for new releases at the MacWorld Expo 2000. Many customers are already pre-ordering the new unannounced iMacs.
Posted by AArthur on Sunday July 09th, 2000 06:08:22 PM
Linuxnewbie.org has an article about Tom Streeter's impressions after installing LinuxPPC. He points out some of the risks a user might face, and some of the problems he faced when installing LinuxPPC on a iMac computer. He also claims that Linux on the PowerPC is a year behind Intel computers (which in the case of USB isn't true :). There is also a forum on LinuxNewbie to discuss this article.
Posted by Jonathan Rockway on Tuesday July 11th, 2000 01:54:22 PM
I posted this message to iMac Linux, but got no reply. The sooner the reply, the sooner iKernel can be released as 1.0 with web-based config.
Could anyone send me the types of iMacs / (iBooks) that are out and what drivers/kernel options that they need? (It's for the iKernel program I'm writing)
Here's an example:
iMac Rev. B = ATI Mach64, IrDA, HFS Filesystem, (which leads to CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL), PMAC/DMA Sound ... etc.
Sorry to waste everyone's time with the iKernel business, but it should be helpful :-)
Posted by AArthur on Wednesday July 19th, 2000 11:54:08 AM
The new PowerMac G4 models now come standard with Gigabyte Ethernet. All G3 and G4 models an new extended 108-key keyboard (including multimedia controls) and a new optical, buttonless mouse. Dual proccessor G4 models were also introduced, they currently run at 450 ($2,499) or 500 Mhz ($3,499).
Also released this morning was the G4 cube, it is fanless and quiet like the iMac, 8 inches small, 450/500 Mhz CPU, up to 1.5 gig of RAM, support for display's powered by the computer (single cord), slot loading DVD on the top of the computer, and more. All starting at $2,299. (continues below...)
Posted by Jason Baker on Saturday July 29th, 2000 10:40:27 AM
When I first tried installing Linux PPC 2000 on my iMacs, I found the documentation included with it to be difficult to understand and in some places incorrect. Needless to say, this frustrated me. I decided to write out the steps I took to get this distribution running on my 266 MHz and 350 MHz imacs. If you want to check them out go to here. I hope this helps anybody that might have become stumped during their install.
Posted by AArthur on Tuesday August 01st, 2000 11:23:25 AM
According to this MacUser UK article, iBook and iMac sales have been steadly declining this quarter. Apple blamed new product expectations and historical sales decline in the 3rd quarter. iBook sales, however continue to decline steadly, according to MacUser UK, claiming that iBook sales are down 10,000 from last quarter.
Posted by AArthur on Sunday August 20th, 2000 03:25:37 PM
MacLotto.com/Maccentral is giving away an new iMac. To win the iMac, all you must do is register with MacLotto, and pick six numbers from the play card. Those who match up with the randomly selected numbers could win and iMac or other Macintosh related items.
Posted by AArthur on Wednesday August 30th, 2000 02:34:31 PM
Robert Aldridge sent in two interesting tidbits to [email protected]. The first one is a review of the launch of the iMac at several Circut City stores. "...initial impressions got a C rating from us, but the readers say that things are processing well." That's great news! The second one is an article from inside Apple--getting ready to ship the new G4 Cubes. I'm sure that will make those waiting for your G4 Cubes happy.
Posted by AArthur on Monday September 11th, 2000 01:55:34 PM
The Register has more information on the new iRack iMac Super Computer running Yellow Dog Linux. This cluster is far quieter (although it has a small fan) and more portable (weighting 150 LBS) then other super computer machines. They also have an older related article on how a PPC Linux cluster, might not be all it's cracked up to be.
Posted by AArthur on Thursday September 28th, 2000 07:15:10 PM
Motorola is working on the next generation PowerPC chip, the G4 Plus. Starting at a base speed of 700 MHz, it has an intergrated, full speed (same as processor), 256-bit L2 cache. According to the Register, Apple has already recieved prototypes of this chip for their testing, but they don't expect shipping models until next summer. The Register has more on this news.
Posted by AArthur on Monday October 09th, 2000 10:18:27 AM
Some of the PowerPC Linux developers who live in warmer climates are going to be Atlanta Linux Showcase, which starts today. The PenguinPPC guys will be at booth 207, which is sponsered by Terrasoft, and several other companies.
Posted by AArthur on Thursday December 14th, 2000 09:48:18 PM
Maccentral takes a look at USB 2.0, and if Apple should support this standard that is becoming popular (and standard) on the PCs. Macs still use the first generation USB, which is slower then USB 2.0, meaning that some newer USB products won't be avalible for Macs. The article mentions that USB 2.0 is similar in speed to Firewire (causing competition to Apple's own Firewire standard), and it has higher patent licensing fees.
Posted by AArthur on Thursday February 22nd, 2001 04:14:23 PM
Today Apple Introduced the next generation iMacs, with the new high-end models (500MHz and 600MHz) featuring shells in semi-transparent Blue Dalmatian and Flower Power colors, and for those who prefer later 70s look, they have still have the Graphite colored one. The $900 lowend one is Ruby colored. More about these new Macs can be found in this MacWorld article or at apple.com/imac.
Posted by AArthur on Monday February 26th, 2001 08:23:54 PM
If you have an older iMac (like the 233 MHz one), and are looking for a speed boost, PowerLogic iForce G4 maybe an anwser. With speeds from 400 MHz to 500 MHz (512 or 1MB L2 Cache), this upgrade works by removing the iMac CPU card and replacing it with a G4 processor. This means it probably works with PowerPC Linux, so it should be good to give KDE 2 a bit of a speed boost (along with other apps). You can find out more about the iForce at PowerLogix.com.
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday April 25th, 2001 09:31:36 AM
According to this article on CNET, it looks like iMacs are here to stay!
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday July 18th, 2001 09:23:36 AM
Right now The Apple Store is off-line, with a message saying they will be "back soon". According to TechTV they are updating the store with new products to be announced by Steve Job's keynote address this morning. There have been several reports that a new iMac was in the works, so we'll have to wait and see..
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday July 18th, 2001 10:20:18 AM
Steve Jobs has just announced three new iMac models. The 500MHz model will be available in Indigo and Snow, with a 20GB HDD, 128MB RAM and at a price of $999. The 600MHz and 700MHz will be available in Snow and Graphite. These feature 256MB memory and 40 and 60GB HDDs respectively. Still the using the current iMac design. The 700MHz available from August, the other two available now. Apple's store still down currently.
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday July 18th, 2001 10:27:42 AM
The new iMacs will also feature a CDRW (CD-writer) as standard. Apple's website still lists the older iMac specs, and the store is still down. Thats probably it as far as announcements from Apple today during MacExpo. We will provide more info if it develops.
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday July 25th, 2001 12:41:56 PM
Indigo is our first development server. Indigo will provide a platform for developers without access to PowerPC systems to port their applications to Linux on the PPC. Indigo will go on-line later this week. Indigo is a 350MHz iMac that was made possible by generous donations to iMacLinux and thanks to LinuxPPC Inc who matched the donations. A detailed announcement along with the launch of the iMacLinux developer section will be made later this week.
Posted by Stew Benedict on Sunday August 12th, 2001 08:55:22 PM
Michael Cherry has contributed a nice piece he put together, outlining his experiences setting up Linux on his iMac, as well as a number of useful links, should you be considering making the move, or just want to pickup some tips. Check it out here.
Posted by hidozage on Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 11:09:30 AM
A Word of Warning!
Mac OS 9.2.1 is out. Before updating to the latest Mac OS 9.x on an iMac rev A. to D read the Read Me file that is included on the update.
It seems that the new update makes changes on your iMac's open firmware upon installation causing your iMac to boot into Open Firmware if the updated System Folder is not on the first 8GB partition. The MacFixIt forums are buzzing with post regarding this matter
Posted by DocTomoe on Saturday September 29th, 2001 11:55:35 AM
CNET reports: "Aiming to stay competitive with falling PC prices, Apple Computer plans on Saturday to bring back a $799 iMac to retail shelves, according to retailers familiar with the company's plans." Read full article.
Posted by John Buswell on Saturday October 06th, 2001 12:48:12 AM
A few days ago we mentioned the possibility of a new low-end iMac being released to fill the price gap. Apple have added a new US$799 iMac. The new iMac is available only in Indigo, and is the same as the $995 previous low-end iMac, except that it does not sport a CD-RW and it has less ram. You can currently get the new iMac w/ 128MB ram for only $10 more at outpost.com.
Posted by Bryan on Saturday October 13th, 2001 06:51:19 PM
iMac with No Sound !
Posted by John Buswell on Monday November 26th, 2001 11:56:42 PM
If you cannot afford the price of a new iMac or PowerPC system, you can pick many used and new older iMac systems on eBay for a fraction of the cost. Maybe you are just want to try out Linux on the PowerPC but don't want to spend a lot of money on the hardware. You could try these iMacs, or if you want an old world box, how about this PowerMac 7500/100, currently under $30!! Linux will run great, even on older hardware, so have a look around eBay and you may find getting into the PowerPC world isn't as expensive as you think!
Posted by Brian on Wednesday December 05th, 2001 11:03:16 AM
According to this article on Yahoo, Apple may be releasing the long awaited flat-panel iMacs. This report is based on information from Morgan Stanley stating that Apple have arranged to purchase components to build 100,000 15-inch flat-panel iMacs a month. Macworld Expo in January. If you are thinking iMac for Christmas, you might want to wait!!
Posted by John Buswell on Monday January 07th, 2002 12:29:36 PM
It looks like Time Canada jumped the gun a little, and posted an article on the New flat-panel iMacs. You can also find the article here. update: you can find a gallary of the new iMac here.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Monday January 07th, 2002 01:53:27 PM
It looks like the Time Magazine report has been true. The new iMac looks like on their picture. A small, slim base with a metallic arm holding a 15" TFT LCD display.
It has a G4 processor 700-800-MHz, SuperDrive (CD-RW/DVD-RW), GeForce2 MX with 32 MB DDR-SDRAM, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, Apple Pro Speakers, Mikrophone, AirPort, iPhoto, iTunes, iMovie, iDVD, the optical mouse has been slightly modified in design.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday January 08th, 2002 10:35:12 AM
Despite the introduction of the new iMac, Apple will continue to produce and sell a certain amount of the "old" CRT iMacs, mainly for the educational and consumer market, the new iMacs starting at rather "high" price entry points.
The $799 CRT iMac will thus still be available and the $1299 iMac will stay too with its price dropped to $999. Another nice opportunity to quickly get into the PPC Linux experience :)
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday January 09th, 2002 10:19:38 AM
There has been a lot of "buzz" around the new iMac, so we thought it would be appropriate to put together a few links to some articles about it. Wired think that the New iMac is Armed for Success, C|net think that The new iMac looks like a desk lamp, Yahoo have an article about the unveiling and this slideshow, there is this article over at CNN money, this over at osopinion.com, this nice photo gallery at macminute.com, there are some interesting user comments over at Macobserver, and finally, this photo gallery at mymac. If you have any other good articles, please add them to the comments..
Posted by John Buswell on Sunday February 03rd, 2002 02:22:57 AM
Earlier this evening we discovered that one of our iMacs that we use as a server was dead. It was a revision B iMac, and part of the monitor electronics had been fried. We took on the task of seperating the monitor and computer components, with the goal of getting the computer to work on its own. You can find a complete guide with screenshots of the event here. The iMac that died was my first iMac which was used to start iMacLinux, the good news is that the machine is working great without the monitor!!
Posted by John Buswell on Sunday February 03rd, 2002 11:25:42 PM
Following the great interest in the recovery of our fried iMac, I received several links that I think deserve a mention. The best one is this, which shows you how to mount the iMac into a PC case. If you want to rack mount it you can buy one these iRacks.
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