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TuxPPC - Search for "mandrake"
Posted by John Buswell on Thursday May 17th, 2001 12:03:15 PM
It looks like the long awaited Mandrake on the PowerPC is now available. The beta release has already appeared on various cooker mirrors. Including this one in France. You can find more mirrors on the Linux-Mandrake site.
Posted by John Buswell on Sunday May 27th, 2001 03:53:46 PM
This morning I received an email from MandrakeSoft, developers of Linux-Mandrake. It appears to be a new newsletter they are passing around to anyone subscribed to their list. A year and a half after starting their PPC project, they finally decided to announce it, hats off to them. However, I noticed something very disturbing in their newsletter, a request for donations!!Read on for more info..
Posted by Mike Weisman on Monday June 11th, 2001 05:28:36 PM
Mandrake is now available for PPC. ISO images are available at ftp://ftp.wtfo.com/pub/linux/Mandrake-iso/ppc/. More info is at http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/ppc.php3.
Posted by Jean-Baptiste on Saturday August 11th, 2001 04:03:38 PM
It's not on the http://linux-mandrake.com site yet but here's a link in France with the 2 iso images while images are uploaded all over the planet.
Posted by hidozage on Monday August 27th, 2001 03:52:47 PM
From the : Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter
"In response to popular demand, MandrakeSoft proudly announces the immediate availability of Mandrake Linux 8.0 PPC. This new release builds upon the highly successful Mandrake Linux 8.0 for x86 architecture to bring the world-famous "Mandrake Touch" to Macintosh users."
More information on features can be found at http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/ppc.php3
The Linux-Mandrake for PowerPC version 8.0 should be shipping by early September. You can pre-order it at http://www.mandrakestore.com/
Posted by Mandrake 8.0-final for PPC released on Monday August 27th, 2001 05:24:20 PM
According to this press release, MandrakeSoft released 8.0 for the PPC today. The news made it to slashdot.org. Congrats to the Mandrake Team and our very own Stew Bendict!!
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday October 17th, 2001 03:48:39 PM
The next release of Linux-Mandrake for the PowerPC will be Mandrake 8.2. This is great news for Linux / PowerPC users, as it means the next release will be at the same time as the release of the Intel version. We expect that Mandrake 8.2 will be released early next year, probably with betas before the end of 2001. There will be no 8.1 release for the PowerPC, skipping the 8.1 release is a good move as it accelerates the development of the PowerPC release and will put advancements made on the Intel platform in the hands of PowerPC users. The only problem users had with Mandrake 8.0 PPC was that it came several weeks after the release of the Intel version.
Posted by John Buswell on Wednesday October 17th, 2001 03:53:49 PM
MandrakeSoft have put the PPC development on the Cooker. Cooker is the name given to their open development model, it is like a rolling beta. Cooker is great, because it puts applications into a real-time testing environment, as many users want the latest and greatest, and cooker is where you can get that to go. Mandrake is the first commericial PowerPC distribution to make the development of their next release publically available. Perhaps this will encourage other vendors such as YDL to adopt a similar model. The PPC version isn't on all cooker mirrors yet, but you can find it at ftp.wtfo.com.
Posted by Stew Benedict on Monday November 26th, 2001 06:26:39 PM
I've started up a new IRC channel for discussion of Mandrake Linux PPC Cooker, and for any other general discussion on Mandrake for PPC. You can drop in on irc.openprojects.net, #cooker-ppc, if you want to participate/contribute to testing the next release or if you just want to hang out.
Posted by John Buswell on Tuesday November 27th, 2001 08:18:27 PM
According to MandrakeSoft's Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter Issue 20, support for PCMCIA installs and initial support for Airport installs have been added to Cooker. Cooker is the rolling public development code for the Linux-Mandrake operating system. If you want to try it out, you can download it from here.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Thursday November 29th, 2001 01:21:58 PM
In their own words: "The primary purpose of the Club is to directly fund Free Software development and our community-related initiatives. Your membership fee ensures that MandrakeSoft maintains a high level of commitment to these topics. If you appreciate the ability to download the distribution & documentation free of charge; if you think it is valuable to have developers working full-time to produce free software code; and if you enjoy the Mandrake community of websites, then you are ready for the Club!" Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Thursday December 06th, 2001 03:17:56 AM
The latest member of the MandrakeSoft family of websites was launched yesterday. This new site, aptly called MandrakeSecure is a website following MandrakeSoft's tradition of delivering high quality security tools to our end users and customers. MandrakeSecure is the latest in our arsenal to help you secure your Mandrake Linux system.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday December 11th, 2001 02:03:42 AM
Gael Duval explains the use of the Mandrake Linux User Club and outlines the way they want to go with both Mandrake Linux and their Club.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Wednesday January 30th, 2002 03:32:29 AM
The online magazine "About This Particular Macintosh" has an informative review (with screenshots) of Mandrake 8.0 for the PowerPC:
"Thankfully there's another way to experience a Unix-based OS with a mostly intuitive GUI, and best of all it's free. With Mandrake, you can follow countless geeks and geek wannabes into the world of Linux."
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday February 12th, 2002 10:17:55 AM
DesktopLinux.com interviewed Gael Duval, Founder of Mandrake Linux. Duval relates the history of Mandrake, explains what makes Mandrake unique, discusses the company's market focus, describes Mandrake's philosophy with respect to open source, and offers his vision of the future of the Desktop Linux Market and what will help its success.
The interview doesn't tell us anything about future PPC versions, and considering the fact that Mandrake 8.0 PPC starts aging, that we see 8.2 Beta's for x86, makes us ask what the status of a future PPC version of Mandrake Linux is. We will try to find out...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday February 12th, 2002 12:36:00 PM
After staying without any official news on Mandrake PPC after the 8.0 release, no news about an 8.1 release, no news about an upcoming 8.2 PPC release, we decided to mail Gael Duval, founder of Mandrake Linux, and ask him about the future of Mandrake PPC.
The answer only came an hour later and we are proud to announce that Mandrake 8.2 will be released for PowerPC. An official announcement by Mandrake as well as first 8.2 beta ISOs for PowerPC will be available shortly. We will keep you informed.
Finally, we also hope that Mandrake will strengthen their commitment to the PPC Linux community and that they will keep us informed on a more regular basis.
Posted by Max Murphy on Thursday February 21st, 2002 07:16:10 AM
Appears that the Mandrake 8.2 ppc beta is out, check the mirrors for it. No announcement on Mandrake's site yet.
Here's the official announcement (added by Stew Benedict):
Mandrake Linux 8.2/PPC (beta) is out, grab it while it's hot!
In a long awaited move, a beta version of the 8.2/PPC has joined the i586 version of the upcoming Mandrake Linux 8.2 distribution. This beta has a bit different schedule from the i586 version, but it should be roughly equivalent to beta2, with a few bug-fixes, and some PPC-specific features.
Click more for the rest..."
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Thursday March 21st, 2002 07:45:20 AM
From the Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter - Issue #35:
While the x86 version of Mandrake Linux 8.2 has been receiving all the headlines lately, MandrakeSoft developers have also been hard at work preparing 8.2 for the PPC platform. MandrakeSoft PPC developer Stew Benedict gives this update: (Click More for details)
Posted by Ben Reser on Friday March 22nd, 2002 03:49:53 PM
Today I received my emailed copy of the Mandrake Community Newsletter (if you didn't get a copy you can find it online here: http://www.mandrakeforum.com/article.php?sid=2010?=en ).
In it was a quote from Stew talking about how 8.2/ppc was coming along. But really (no offense to Stew) considering the way things are truly going it seems rather pr'ish. And frankly I have to wonder considering Mandrake's announced money problems if PPC isn't one of the projects that they are or have made a hard decision about.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Wednesday March 27th, 2002 04:22:03 PM
Beta 2 of Mandrake Linux 8.2 for PPC is out and if things go as steady as they have been until now, a final release might follow up pretty soon. Of course you're always invited to join the fun. Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday April 19th, 2002 12:29:38 PM
For anyone located in the New England area, the Boston Linux & Unix User Group is holding its 12th Linux Installfest on Saturday, April 20 at Mt. Ida College in Newton Massachusetts. Peter R. Wood (an active member of the PPC-cooker mailing list) will be on hand to install Linux on PowerPC systems. He will have a variety of distributions, including Mandrake 8.2 beta 2 for PowerPC (or the final if it is available). If you are within driving distance of the Boston area and are interested in visiting, especially to have Linux installed on your Mac, check out the BLU page for all the details:
Posted by hidozage on Monday April 22nd, 2002 08:36:01 PM
From the Linux-Mandrake PPC page: Mandrake Linux 8.2 PPC is now available for Macintosh users. This newest release offers G3 optimization, user-friendly configuration tools, and the most up-to-date software.
Mandrake Linux 8.2 is widely known as the most feature-rich, multipurpose Linux operating system for PCs. MandrakeSoft is now proud to offer all the power and elegance of the most cutting-edge Linux distribution to Macintosh users.
Purchase the Mandrake Linux 8.2 PPC 2-CD set at MandrakeStore, or download your copy from a convenient FTP site.
If you enjoy Mandrake Linux PPC, please join the MandrakeClub to support the continued development of the distribution.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Sunday May 05th, 2002 10:28:34 AM
As Mandrake never ported version 8.1 of their Linux distribution to the PPC platform, the latest available version till now was Mandrake PPC 8.0. While the latter certainly was a nice distribution, yet it started being really outdated and even had trouble installing on recent Apple hardware. So many people certainly wonder now whether Mandrake PPC 8.2 has been worth waiting for so long. Well, without giving anything away yet, it WAS worth waiting. Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Monday May 13th, 2002 02:02:38 PM
From the Mdk newsletter:
Some users have encountered problems installing or using the 8.2/PPC
release due to specific configurations that we did not have an
opportunity to fully test.
Details can be found here.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday May 31st, 2002 12:58:16 PM
From the Mandrake Newsletter #44:
- Error scenario: The 8.2 PPC Software Manager doesn't successfully retrieve software updates.
- Solution: Manually download and install 'grpmi-8.2-3.1mdk.ppc.rpm' from any of the FTP locations (such as ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake/updates/ppc/8.2/RPMS/). The next time the Software Manager is run, the ability to download and install updates is restored.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday May 31st, 2002 12:53:17 PM
From the Mandrake Newsletter #44:
Long-time Cooker participant Ben Reser has built 8.2 PPC packages for 'pbbuttonsd' and associated programs (gtkpbbuttons and powerprefs). These very handy utilities enable the function keys on PowerBook laptops to control screen brightness and volume levels; control trackpad settings; eject a CD; and handle basic power management. Get them from: http://ben.reser.org/mandrake/ppc/pbbuttonsd-0.4.9-1mdk/
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday June 14th, 2002 11:07:08 AM
From the Mdk Newsletter 46:
Ben Reser is at it again -- this time he has built all the 8.2 PPC RPMs that were not included in the official ISOs (due to space limitations) and has them available via urpmi/rpmdrake from his mirror.
He asks that everyone be respectful of the bandwidth since it is a personal site. Read the announcement here: http://www.mandrake.com/en/archives/cooker-ppc/2002-06/msg00031.php
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday June 14th, 2002 11:08:37 AM
From the Mdk Newsletter 46:
MandrakeSoft's Stew Benedict has added two new packages for MandrakeClub members that will automatically download and install the PPC version of Blackdown's Java IDE & SDK.
Posted by John Buswell on Tuesday August 06th, 2002 05:25:20 PM
The popular Linux-Mandrake distribution will not be officially releasing 9.0 for the PowerPC. However, development for the PowerPC continues, and the latest version of Mandrake will be available in their rolling beta code, Cooker. The lack of an official release is no real concern, as the PowerPC version is kept up to date with the x86 version in Cooker. For further details have a look here.
Posted by Stew Benedict on Sunday September 01st, 2002 07:26:47 AM
Mandrakesoft has opened a PPC forum in the Mandrake club, allowing members to vote for new RPMs to be built for Mandrake 8.2 PPC. Full story here.
Posted by Ladislav Bodnar on Thursday February 13th, 2003 11:02:24 PM
For the last few weeks I have been reporting on the development cycle of Mandrake 9.1. Then, the presence of an ISO image for Mandrake PPC 9.1 Beta 1 piqued my curiosity, and some days later two ISO images for Mandrake PPC 9.1 Beta 2 were made available on the various mandrake mirrors. Among my obsol... err, I mean, my old computers, I have a 350 MHz iMac which hasn't seen much use for the last 8 months. So without any extraordinary expectations, I decided to attempt the installation of this different flavour of Mandrake Linux. I was in for a few good surprises...
Review by DistroWatch
Posted by Gaƫl Duval on Friday April 11th, 2003 10:56:51 AM
Altadena, CA; Paris, France; April 11th 2003 -- Mandrake Linux 9.1 "Bamboo" for PPC processors is available. This new release provides all Mandrake 9.1 features, including Apache 2, "Zeroconf" network support and WiFi support. Mandrake 9.1 for PPC also provides an unequaled level of comfort for users with a simplified graphical installer, a brand-new "MandrakeGalaxy" theme, stunning anti-aliased fonts, and of course the new KDE 3.1 and GNOME 2.2 desktop environments.
Mandrake 9.1/PPC is based on Linux kernel 2.4.21 and includes XFree86 4.3.0, KDE 3.1, GNOME 2.2, OpenOffice.org 1.0.2, Mozilla 1.3, Apache 2, and Samba 2.2.7. All features are detailled in the Mandrake 9.1/x86 feature page.
Specifical features for this PPC version include:
- MOL: Mac-On-Linux - Allows you to run Mac OS or OS/X either full screen or in an X window at native speed. Now with menu items to launch either.
- pbbuttonsd/gtkpbuttons - Activates laptop function keys for control of volume, brightness etc.
- BenH based alternate kernel - Full support for newest hardware and new sleep code for Apple laptops. Kernel also has Mandrake's supermount and xfs support added in.
- Supported processors: G3 and G4 on iMac, as well as "old-world" machines with the 604 processor as long as they have PCI (no nubus).
- Installation support and kernel for IBM RS/6000 (tested on a 43P-150 model with a 604e processor).
Mandrake Linux 9.1 for PPC is now available for download. Mandrake 9.1/PPC products can be ordered at MandrakeStore.
The ideal complement to any Mandrake product is a membership to the MandrakeClub. Club membership provides a wide range of benefits such as download access to more than 50,000 applications that run on Mandrake Linux, including proprietary software, plugins and drivers. http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/club
Press contact: [email protected]
About MandrakeSoft
MandrakeSoft is the publisher of the popular Mandrake Linux operating system, one of the most full-featured and easy to use Linux systems available. The company offers its enterprise, government and educational customers a complete range of GNU/Linux and Open Source software and related services. MandrakeSoft products are available in more than 120 countries through dedicated channels and from MandrakeStore, the company's online store.
Number 1 in several countries, MandrakeSoft has been awarded many times for quality and the technical innovation of its products. "Born on the Internet" in late 1998, MandrakeSoft has established headquarters in the U.S.A. and in France. MandrakeSoft is traded on Paris Euronext Marche Libre (Euroclear code: 4477.PA; Reuters code: MAKE.PA) and the US OTC market (stock symbol MDKFF).
Please visit the website: http://www.mandrakesoft.com for more information.
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