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Friday, 06 June 2003 |
TuxPPC - Search for "yellowdog"
Posted by AArthur on Thursday April 27th, 2000 07:02:43 PM
Terrasoft/Yellow Dog Linux has put up a development page for the Yellow Dog Linux Gone Home distro. According to the page the promise in the near future source code and more information on the upcoming Gone Home release. They have also posted a screenshot of the new Gone Home Installer.
Posted by Joey Schmitt on Monday June 12th, 2000 12:39:27 PM
I have recently begun learning linux, trying to take over some network administration duties on an already-established linux network. I installed Yellow Dog on an iMac, and it runs fine. I would like to be able to use it on my iBook, but simply don't have room on the small hard drive. What I would like to do is buy a usb hard drive for this purpose, and also use that same hard drive to back up my G3 desktop and my iBook, using different partitions for each. Does anyone know if that is possible? That is, will there be any trouble due the fact that it is a usb hard drive? Or due to the fact that there will be several os's on the same drive? I would think that wouldn't be a problem using the "Startup Disk" control panel, but does anyone know for sure? Thanks!
Posted by AArthur on Wednesday June 21st, 2000 07:55:14 PM
If you thought graphical installers were slow and clunky, think again. Yellow Dog Linux Gone Home's Graphical Installer (aka "y") directly uses the framebuffer, bypassing the bulk and slowness of X based installers (such as LinuxPPC 2000's xinstaller). Gone Home will also have a newt-based installer, which is similar to the classic RedHat Installer. This summer, Ruff Pack builds will become available again, as Gone Home goes beta.
Posted by AArthur on Sunday July 16th, 2000 07:12:23 AM
Yellow Dog Linux users, can now contribute packages, to the new Yellow Dog Linux Contrib Site. You can upload pacakges to ftp://ftp.terraplex.com/pub/incoming. Those packages will be reviewed by Yellow Dog staff, then placed in ftp://ftp.terraplex.com/pub/contrib for anybody to download. LinuxPPC users already have an contrib site at ftp://ftp.linuxppc.org/contrib.
Posted by AArthur on Sunday July 16th, 2000 07:25:12 AM
The 27th Yellow Dog Linux newsletter is out. In the headlines are YDL kernel update adds support for RS/6000 B50/F50, Terrasoft is hiring, YDL Contrib, RealPlayer for PPC Linux, and more.
Posted by AArthur on Friday July 21st, 2000 08:02:30 AM
On Thursday, Terrasoft/Yellow Dog released a beta of YDL Gone Home. It is downloadable at ftp.devel.yellowdoglinux.com. New features in this release include Helix GNOME, Kernel with gmac driver, and of course the new installer's backend.
This installer is python based, includes config support for everything from auto-probing keyboards to partitioning. Graphics are not included in this version, as it is a stripped down version, intended only for testing.
Posted by AArthur on Friday September 08th, 2000 09:25:48 PM
Terra Soft Solutions, makers of Yellow Dog Linux, now have an iMac-logic board based 8-node Linux cluster. It is designed to be lightweight (around 150 pounds), fast, and movable from room to room. Each board has a 233 to 400 Mhz iMac board, with 32 to 512 MB of RAM on each. The price starts around 18k. More info can be found in this press release.
Posted by AArthur on Tuesday September 12th, 2000 06:47:05 PM
Linux hackers from Yellow Dog Linux have created a kernel with experimental support for both G4 processors in the new dual G4 PowerMacs. Previously, Linux booted on these machines, but they only supported one processor. As soon as we get the offical press release, it will be posted below. Update:(2:06 PM, EST) Also take a look at this Slashdot story.
Posted by AArthur on Friday October 13th, 2000 08:53:11 PM
Terrasoft has announced that Yellow Dog Linux 1.2.1 is now shipping. This is a hardware update, adding support to the newest machines, including the PowerBook 2000, G4 Cube, and other G4s. You can read the press release here.
Posted by Shawn on Monday October 16th, 2000 01:34:31 PM
[This explains how to install Yellowdoglinux Champion Server 1.2.1 on an iMac DV SE (400 mhz, 13 Gigs), the one available in December 1999, with a non-extended keyboard and hockey puck mouse. This installation procedure creates a dual-boot system and assumes you have backed up your data and have a bootable OS 9 CD-ROM.]
Posted by AArthur on Tuesday October 17th, 2000 04:25:11 PM
A little while ago, memory over 256 MB was disabled by default (with a hack you could enable up to 768 MB of RAM) in Linux 2.2 for the PowerPC, due to stability problems. Thanks to work done by Troy Benjegerdes, PowerPC Linux can now use up to 1 GB of RAM, possibly even more. An excerpt from the "Everything YDL Newsletter", posted below, explains it in more detail.
Posted by AArthur on Tuesday October 24th, 2000 03:58:32 AM
Charles Stevenson, over at MetalTux.org has links to an RealAudio interview from last summer and a development scrapbook, discussing the projects Yellow Dog Linux is involved in. Certainly an interesting read / watch.
Posted by AArthur on Wednesday November 08th, 2000 03:50:40 AM
Terrasoft, makers of YellowDog Linux are working with OpenDocs to publish a 300-page manual on the ins and outs of YellowDog Linux, to be avaliable on the Internet and many bookstores. More can be found in the press release.
Posted by AArthur on Wednesday February 14th, 2001 08:21:10 PM
Terrasoft has redesigned the look and feel of the Yellow Dog Linux website, for a lighter look and feel, in light of there Yellow Dog Linux Gone Home distro, which is slated to be released soon. I find the new color scheme to be a nice change from the old one.
Posted by AArthur on Friday May 25th, 2001 01:15:10 PM
Yellow Dog Linux 2.0 CDs will be released on Tuesday. It will include KDE 2.1, graphical installer, OpenOffice snapshot, and more.
Unforently, due to the high costs of serving Yellow Dog Linux (being several CDs large), and bandwidth constrants, the FTP release will not be posted on their site for one more month (ie. the end of June).
Posted by John Buswell on Tuesday May 29th, 2001 03:41:37 PM
Looks like the folks at Terra Soft have done it again, YDL 2.0 is out. Check out the press release here.
Posted by Patrick Mullen on Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:55:12 AM
The Duke of URL has just posted its review of Yellow Dog Linux 2.0 - Linux for the PowerPC. The review covers installation, the interface, YUP (their own apt-like update/install tool), benchmarks of PPC VS. X86 and much more.
Posted by DocTomoe on Thursday July 19th, 2001 01:31:40 PM
TotalImpact now offers their mini-server "briQ" with either YDL or BlackLabLinux preinstalled.
The briQ is a PowerPC G4 based server of about the size of an external CD writer or disk drive and is a good solution for server clusters or 1U-servers, given its size and low power usage.
JPL Image Processing Laboratory in Pasadena, California already has ordered a 16 node cluster from Terra Soft.
More about it on:
Posted by Allan on Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:28:05 PM
OK, we've seen pictures of MacWorld NY 2001 in almost all the Macintosh site. But, they never did mention that Yellow Dog Linux had a booth right in the middle of the show floor.
've visited the Yellow Dog Linux Camp and had a great old of a time. Met the boys who created, worked and produced Yellow Dog Linux! I've even got Dan, to install Yellow Dog Linux 2.0 on my friends Powerbook G3 233.
Here is the link for the pictures I've taken at the Yellow Dog Linux Camp.
Posted by rupert morris on Wednesday October 17th, 2001 07:56:55 AM
Yellowdog, by default, has several speed-enhancing features turned off to ensure it runs on as many computers as possible. Turn these features on to make the most of your hardware! This How-To covers harddisks and video.
Posted by Dan Burcaw on Wednesday October 17th, 2001 04:08:16 PM
Terra Soft Solutions, the developers of Yellow Dog Linux have released version 2.1. The new update uses the 2.4 kernel by default adding improved sleep and sound support (for iBook users too) and the ext3 journaling filesystem. Other improvements include XFree86 4.1.0, KDE 2.2.1, and the much requested "select individual packages" installation feature. Oh, and if you have an Apple Network Server, this release is for you too!
For more details, check our the Yellow Dog Linux website.
Posted by arpad fejedelem on Monday November 19th, 2001 12:27:07 PM
I have been considering buying Mac with MacOSX, but Apple CSR could not answer my questions, am I capable of running Linux softwares what I am accustomed to? Is there a shell? Can I run SSH? Visual Slick Edit ... Opera for Linux? How about Linux PPC? Do I install Mac on top of LinuxPPC? Will all Mac's sofware & peripherals will be supported? How about running Adobe Photoshop? I tried to run Windows using VMWare, but it was a disaster, most peripherals did not work, the customer service had a shrug answer ... windows was sloooow, used up memory & vice versa. So, I hope history won't repeat itself with this product as well. Any recommendations?
Posted by John Buswell on Thursday November 29th, 2001 12:52:30 AM
This is a review of the latest release of Yellow Dog Linux. We reviewed 2.1 (fuji) on a slot loading 350MHz indigo iMac with 128MB of ram. The review provides a summary, a look at the installer, and a look at the installed system itself. Read on (more link below) to find out what we think..
Posted by John Buswell on Monday December 03rd, 2001 02:20:44 PM
Last week RedHat entered into the PowerPC market, leaving Yellow Dog, the distribution that is a port of RedHat to the PowerPC, in a precarious position. Where exactly does this leave Yellow Dog ? We look at the facts and try to weed out myths, in our latest editorial.
Posted by joepletch on Tuesday December 11th, 2001 08:59:30 PM
Yellow Dog Linux has released a new book, "Getting Started With Yellow Dog Linux" for $49.95. It is avalible at the Yellow Dog Linux Store, and it comes with Yellow Dog Linux 2.1 Install Disk.
Posted by joepletch on Tuesday December 11th, 2001 09:05:02 PM
Yellow Dog Linux has returned the custom backrounds that were in 2.0 but not 2.1. they are avalible at the Yellow Dog Linux Site. Available in yellow, blue, red and grey.
Posted by joepletch on Tuesday December 11th, 2001 09:09:18 PM
Yellow Dog Linux has Updated the "Why Linux?" section of their site. It now includes video instructions. You will need Real Player to view. You can find the site here.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday January 08th, 2002 12:06:48 PM
"Until now, our developer relations have been, in the tradition of the open-source community, fairly informal and focused on those who are already involved, in the know. We desire to make available our experience, the community's expertise, and the YDL foundation to a broader community, to developers and commercial vendors who may not have historically had access to or considered YDL," states Dan Burcaw, CTO, Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.
More info here.
Posted by John Buswell on Thursday January 10th, 2002 12:46:29 AM
Terra Soft Solutions, the people that bring us Yellow Dog Linux, have announced the availability of Black Lab 2.0. Black Lab offers graphical node management (clusters) using KDE or Gnome. It offers DHCP, takes advantage of PowerPC firmware's net-boot features, simple node image transfer, automated remote boot, reformat, partition and installation of node image and a live colour-coded node activity/status monitor. Black Lab allows users to build clusters from seperate PowerPC hardware such as iMacs, iBooks, PowerMacs etc.
Posted by stimuli on Friday January 25th, 2002 03:49:37 AM
Here are some more tips to speed up YDL2.x. Part one is available here, along with my (unelegant) reiserfs-how-to , which also yeilds speed improvements.
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday January 27th, 2002 12:49:43 AM
I don't know if anyone noticed or not, but Ximian made some rpms for Yellow Dog Linux 2.1. If you try installing Ximian Gnome Desktop using their "go-gnome" app, it won't work, but if you download all the rpms here, you will be able to install Ximian Desktop on your YDL 2.1. I downloaded the rpms and using rpm -Uvh *.rpm rpm -Uivh --force --nodeps *.rpm after checking if I needed any new libraries like zlib, I installed Ximian Gnome Desktop here sucessfully.
Update by AArthur: It's a very bad idea to use --nodeps with many packages as once, as it will probably create lots of broken depencies with RPM, which will make future system installations and upgrades difficult.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Sunday January 27th, 2002 09:07:26 AM
"Getting started with Yellow Dog Linux" is a 268 page softcover book aimed at users new to Linux. And it has a very unique approach. Indeed, the book is written so to guide a typical MacOS user step by step from installing Yellow Dog Linux, the PowerPC Linux made by TerraSoft, over using it, showing the differences with MacOS, to learning the first power user console commands.
Posted by John Buswell on Monday January 28th, 2002 08:16:51 PM
YellowDog released a security advisory for GNU enscript today. "GNU enscript is a program for converting ASCII files to PostScript(TM). When it creates temporary files, it does so with predictable filenames in a manner that would follow symbolic links. This could allow a local user to overwrite files written by the user running enscript, or read the contents of the temporary files."
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday January 29th, 2002 03:57:53 AM
Yellow Dog : "Groff is a document formatting system. The groff preprocessor contains an exploitable buffer overflow. If groff can be invoked within the LPRng printing system, an attacker can gain rights as the "lp" user. Remote exploitation may be possible if lpd is running and is accessible remotely, and the attacker knows the name of the printer and spoolfile."
Posted by Anonymous on Friday February 01st, 2002 03:55:11 PM
Ximian Desktop now supports YDL 2.1. Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Thursday February 14th, 2002 10:09:59 AM
Loveland, Colorado -- 13 February 2002 -- Terra Soft Solutions, Inc., the leading developer of integrated PowerPC Linux solutions announces the release of 'mental ray' video render engine for Yellow Dog Linux and the Yellow briQ Nodes.
Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Saturday February 23rd, 2002 12:05:42 PM
Terra Soft have released their first promotional video for Linux in general and Yellow Dog Linux in particular. The video can be downloaded in various formats.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday February 26th, 2002 04:42:54 AM
According to yellowdoglinux.com:
"Terra Soft is now taking PRE-ORDERS for YDL 2.2 which surpasses YDL 2.1 with an array of powerful updates, improvements, and support for newer Apple hardware, including FULL support for the NVIDIA cards. Details to be announced ..."
Posted by JDB on Tuesday February 26th, 2002 01:50:35 PM
The following video is much more informative and will help the average user better understand the use of Linux (or at least the Yellowdog distribution). It is an overview of a Yellowdog installation on a G4 Powerbook with MacOS 9 and 10 on the same drive. I takes you right up to reboot! However, it does not actually show the Powerbook successfully reboot. :p
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Thursday February 28th, 2002 12:21:28 PM
Terra Soft have updated their Yellow Dog Linux product page for the upcoming YDL 2.2. An official release date has not been announced yet, however it's expected for about mid March.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday March 05th, 2002 05:02:58 PM
Package: squid
Issue Date: March 05, 2002
Priority: high
Advisory ID: YDU-20020305-2
Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday March 05th, 2002 05:05:45 PM
Package: php
Issue Date: March 05, 2002
Priority: high
Advisory ID: YDU-20020305-1
Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Sunday March 10th, 2002 04:37:01 AM
Package: openssh
Issue Date: March 09, 2002
Priority: high
Advisory ID: YDU-20020309-1
Click more for details.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday March 12th, 2002 03:21:33 PM
Terra Soft Solutions, Inc., the leading developer of integrated PowerPC Linux solutions announces shipment of a dual GHz G4 cluster node/server/workstation in a GVS 9000 2U Rack System with Yellow Dog Linux 2.2 and Mac OS X pre-installed. More info...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday March 19th, 2002 04:19:19 PM
Tune into Mac TV Network this night at 7:20 PM Central Standard Time to learn about the developments of Yellow Dog Linux and Terra Soft's movement in the High Performance Computing.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Saturday March 23rd, 2002 10:18:48 AM
Yellow Dog Linux 2.2 is finally out. Copies have been shipped to distributors and resellers and TerraSoft will start sending the pre-ordered copies out on Monday. First copies of YDL 2.2 have already been offered at the MacWorld Expo in Tokyo. ISO images are not available yet and it may still take some time until they will be available.
Expect a review of YDL 2.2 soon.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Wednesday March 27th, 2002 04:39:02 AM
Loveland, Colorado -- 26 March 2002 -- Terra Soft Solutions, Inc., the leading developer of integrated PowerPC Linux solutions announces shipment of Yellow Dog Linux 2.2, the most mature and complete PowerPC Linux distribution available.
Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Monday April 01st, 2002 12:53:49 PM
Yellow Dog Linux 2.2 is currently the only PowerPC distribution that does not exist for other platforms. Although YDL is based on RedHat, it's a unique distribution and it's understandable that each release of YDL is followed with great interest by the PowerPC Linux community. This review will take a close look at their latest and greatest.
Posted by Mike Weisman on Monday April 08th, 2002 03:59:28 PM
The yellowdog 2.2 (Rome) ISOs are up! ftp://ftp.yellowdoglinux.com/pub/yellowdog/iso/ I have not yet checked the mirrors.
Posted by le grimpeur on Tuesday May 14th, 2002 08:49:20 AM
From Yellowdog site ( link ): " 'apt' is a popular package program written by the Debian project. It is well known for its ability to solve dependencies so the user doesn't have to. Conectiva, a Linux distributor out of Latin America, ported apt for use with rpm instead of just Debian's dpkg. As of Yellow Dog Linux 2.2, the YDL ftp servers maintain apt repositories. This means that you can now keep your YDL system current via apt. For users of yup, apt should feel very natural. The advantages over yup is features like proxy support and better performance."
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Thursday May 23rd, 2002 10:19:28 AM
Yellow Dog Linux has released a few security and bugfix packages for YDL 2.2. Recent updates include webmin, artsd, mpg321, sharutils, imlib, fetchmail and the glibc. You can find detailed information on YDL's Errata page.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday May 24th, 2002 04:48:14 PM
There is now a Yellow Dog Linux IRC channel on the OpenProjects IRC Network. #yellowdog can be accessed via an IRC client such as "XChat" at irc.openprojects.net
As a reminder, TuxPPC's general help channel can be found at #imaclinux on irc.imaclinux.net
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Wednesday May 29th, 2002 03:05:37 PM
Loveland, Colorado -- 29 May 2002 -- Terra Soft Solutions, Inc., the leading developer of integrated PowerPC Linux solutions, is pleased to announce the Japanese edition of Yellow Dog Linux 2.2, to be showcased by Amulet at LinuxWorld Tokyo.
Read on...
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday June 07th, 2002 03:25:42 AM
YellowDog has issued a couple of security errata and made available updated packages for imap, nss_ldap, tcpdump, ghostscript, xchat, bind and ethereal. Details can be found at the YDL 2.2 Errata page.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Tuesday June 25th, 2002 02:48:00 PM
Yellow Dog Linux has been updated to version 2.3. The new release to the RedHat based PPC distribution doesn't provide major new features and rather tends to update YDL to the latest versions of packages, including kernel 2.4.19, KDE 3.0.1 and much more. One major improvement though is support for the Radeon 7500 graphics card. Details can be found on their web site.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Friday June 28th, 2002 02:48:57 PM
Yellow Dog Linux has issued a few security and bug fix updates to their apache, openssh and yellowdog-release packages. The updated software can be downloaded here.
Posted by John Buswell on Thursday August 08th, 2002 02:09:08 PM
The folks over a Yellow Dog Linux have come up with an innovative way to avoid fixing their installer :) You can now buy Apple hardware with pre-installed YDL. You can find the press release here. You can check the store out directly here.
Posted by Olivier Reisch on Wednesday September 25th, 2002 04:58:28 PM
Chicago, Illinois -- 25 September 2002 -- Terra Soft Solutions, Inc., the leading developer of integrated PowerPC Linux solutions is pleased to showcase 1U Apple Xserves running Yellow Dog Linux at the IEEE Fourth International Conference on Cluster Computing.
Posted by ELQ on Tuesday December 03rd, 2002 03:54:56 AM
OSNews features an exclusive article revealing a new product from Terra Soft, makers of the most popular PPC Linux distribution, YellowDogLinux, which effectively enables YDL and Linux to run on its own platform. Terra Soft are offering a motherboard and a complete PC based on the 600 Mhz G3 (G4 is also planned). This is of course still PPC, but it ain't a Mac. However, the article hints that it might be technically possible to run MacOS9 and OSX via Mac-On-Linux.
Posted by Tehrasha on Saturday March 01st, 2003 05:12:55 PM
Terra Soft now offers the Boxer Series PowerPC based ATX motherboards, now available with a G4 processor running at 800Mhz and YellowDog Linux pre-installed.
Posted by Allan on Tuesday March 18th, 2003 11:12:05 AM
My Favorate Linux for PowerPC Distro - Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 is out!
From the YDL website...
Yellow Dog Linux version 3.0 is Terra Soft's most recent release which offers a completely rebuilt Installer, 1300 packages on 6 CDs (3 Install, 3 Source), a unified KDE and GNOME desktop environment featuring shared menus, applications, and user interface.
With enhanced support for the latest ATI and NVidia graphics cards (full 3D support for the ATI Radeon series), "video issues" are a thing of the past.
Based upon the 'Anaconda' installer engine, the Yellow Dog Linux Installer leverages automated, advanced hardware detection; provides on-screen help, flexible package selection, multiple install methods (CD-ROM, FTP, HTTP, NFS), creation of ext3 partitions, embedded XFree86 (video) testing, multiple ethernet and wireless port configuration, and automated partition creation.
Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 features are
- 6 CDs (3 binary, 3 source)
- Anaconda installer engine RPM Package Manager 4.1
- GNU LibC (glibc) 2.3.1
- GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) 3.2.1
- XFree86 4.3
- KDE 3.1
- GNOME 2.2
- Wonderland unified theme for KDE and GNOME
- NVidia GeForce 4 and ATI Radeon 9000 support
- Mac-on-Linux 0.9.68 (OS X 10.2)
- Kernel 2.4.20
- OpenOffice.org
- New hardware support too ( Apple eMac, GeForce 4 MX-based Power Macs, PowerBook 12")
Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 Box Set
- 3 Install CDs, 3 Source CDs
- "Getting Started with Yellow Dog Linux" book.
- Yellow Dog Linux T-Shirt.
- Available with and without 60-days Installation Support
With Installation Support, LG Shirt: $84.95 + Shipping
With Installation Support, XL Shirt: $84.95 + Shipping
With Installation Support, XXL Shirt: $84.95 + Shipping
No Support, LG Shirt: $54.95 + Shipping
No Support, XL Shirt: $54.95 + Shipping
No Support, XXL Shirt: $54.95 + Shipping
Place your orders at their YDL Store
I placed my order!
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